The chart of 'Trinity'- the first atomic bomb test demonstrates the significance of Quaoar and Chiron as factors of astrological interpretation. Without them, only the applying semi-square of Jupiter to Pluto has much weight relative to the event. Quaoar and Chiron, while in the degree of the IC, are on the hidden side, reflecting the secrecy of the test. The septile of the IC to Pluto became exact at 0°Libra47' within five minutes as the mushroom cloud continued to billow. Chiron septile Pluto became exact mere hours before Hiroshima was bombed, and was for Nagasaki.
Robert Oppenheimer at the occasion, quoting:

If the radiance of a thousand suns
Were to burst at once into the sky,
That would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...
I am become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds.

- from The Bhagavad-Gita

Astro-chart of first atom bomb test